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  3. Setting Up / Modifying Suggested Tip Rates

Setting Up / Modifying Suggested Tip Rates


onePOS offers a way to suggest various tip amounts by printing them at the bottom of checks and credit card slips. This is a dining area-based setting, so if you have multiple dining areas, you will need to perform this setup for each dining area.


You can add or change the text above and below the suggested gratuities by filling in the “Tip line rate pre” and “tip line rate post”. The “pre” option will print above the suggested gratuities, and the “post” option will print after the suggested gratuities. These options are located above the “Sug Tip Rate”.

  1. 1. Log into MC and click setup, then click “Dining Areas”.
  2. Open the dining area you want to change/setup the tip suggestion rates for.
  3. Click the “Receipts” tab at the top.
  4. Enter in up to three suggested tip rates in the boxes at the bottom right that are labeled “Sug Tip Rate 1, 2, 3”. These rates must be entered in whole numbers – Ex. 18.00 for 18%. 
  5. Ensure the checkbox “Show tip rate line” is checked. This is just above where you enter the suggested tip rates.
  6. Click “OK”.
  7. Repeat steps 2-5 for any additional dining areas you want to change/setup tip suggestion rates for.
  8. Click “done” when you are finished.
Updated on February 11, 2018

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