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  3. Payment Applied to Wrong Guest or Check

Payment Applied to Wrong Guest or Check

  1. While the server who owns the table is signed in, touch “Server Menu” and then touch “Reopen Check” and then touch the corresponding check you wish to reopen. Also, a manager can sign in, touch “select active server”, touch the server who owns the corresponding table, and then proceed as described above.
  2. Touch the payment that was processed incorrectly to highlight it. NOTE: ONLY HIGHLIGHT THE PAYMENT AND NOT THE ITEMS ON THE CHECK
  3. Touch “Void”.
  4. Choose the correct reason for the void.
  5. If needed, get manager approval for the void.
  6. Take the correct payment, or proceed to the next step if you are not ready to take the correct payment for this check/guest.
  7. Press “Send” if you are not ready to take the correct payment for this check or guest. DO NOT TOUCH “CANCEL”
Updated on February 13, 2018

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